
Common Mistakes When Pulled Over for DUI

Whether or not you are intoxicated, being pulled over and accused of driving under the influence (DUI) can be demeaning and frustrating. If you are arrested for a DUI, it can be even more upsetting. Fortunately, in the event that you have been pulled over, you can avoid falling into accidental traps by steering clear […]

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Burglary of a Conveyance vs. Burglary of a Structure

Burglary charges can be confusing. That’s why it’s important to understand the key differences between each type of burglary charge, especially in instances when common terms may be misused. For example, it’s critical to understand the difference between burglary of a conveyance or burglary of a structure, as even a few subtle differences can mean […]

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What Are the Penalties for Federal Crimes and How Do They Differ from State Level Charges?

If you are facing accusations of a federal crime, it can be extremely confusing and stressful. There are a few key differences to know if you are being charged on both a state and federal level or only a federal level. In this article, a federal criminal defense attorney in St. Petersburg with The Rickman […]

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Most Common Drug Charges in Florida

In 2018, over 134,000 Floridians faced drug charges, according to recent reports. Since 2018, it’s estimated that the number has grown, with males facing drug charges at a higher rate than females. There are several types of drug charges one can face; however, there are a few that are fairly common in Florida. In this […]

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Is It Illegal to Accidentally Download Child Pornography Due to Misrepresentation on Websites?

Popular pornographic websites have recently made headlines because of allegations of illegal content, including child pornography. The allegations resulted in credit card companies pulling their contracts and increased fear over content from unverified users. Visitors to the websites in question may also face charges for viewing or downloading illicit imagery of minors — but is […]

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Aggravated Assault Charges: How to Prevent Situations from Boiling Over and How to Handle If They Do

2020 has been a stressful time. With mounting financial issues, workplace confrontations, and other stressors, instances of crime and aggravated assault have been on the rise since the pandemic began. In this article, an aggravated assault attorney in St. Petersburg with The Rickman Law Firm shares tips to prevent aggravated assault during times of high […]

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Defenses Against Robbery and Burglary

The charges of robbery and burglary are very serious in the State of Florida. These terms are often used interchangeably, despite their differences, but carry similar penalties and similar defense methods. In this brief article, a robbery defense attorney in Tampa with The Rickman Law Firm shares the quick definitions of robbery and burglary, as […]

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3 Most Common Types of Fraud in Florida

According to a recent study, fraud is among the top most common crimes in the United States, with over 14 million victims of fraud each year. Nationally, two-thirds of Americans have been victims of fraud, and a report released by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) found that the Sunshine State led the way when it […]

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What to Do If Domestic Disputes Become Aggravated Assault

Unfortunately, when tensions are high as they are during the coronavirus pandemic, cases of domestic disputes and domestic violence are on the rise. In fact, according to recent research, instances of domestic violence have increased by as much as 33% in some areas where stay at home orders have been in effect. Before Covid, the […]

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Common White Collar Federal Crimes

There is a common idea of what a white collar crime is because of movies like Wolf of Wallstreet and The Insider. Or perhaps you only know the term “white collar crime” because of celebrities like Martha Stuart or other famous CEOs caught with their hands in the cookie jar, so to speak. These crimes, […]

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Case Results


The Client was arrested for DUI after being stopped by law enforcement after traveling from Ybor. Even though the Client showed signs of impairment and performed poorly on FSEs, Attorney Anthony Rickman was
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DUI Reduced to Reckless Driving

The defendant was charge with DUI after being stopped for driving erratically. After completing the roadside exercises the defendant was arrested for DUI. He refused to take a breath test. After months of negotiations the
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The Client was arrested and charged with Battery. Even though the Client picked up additional felony charges after the Battery arrest, the Client was not convicted on the Battery charge.
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