
3 Ways to Protect Yourself in a Homicide Investigation

Being investigated or arrested in a homicide case can be one of the most catastrophic experiences that someone could face. Whether it is for vehicular manslaughter or murder, you may be worried that the state is utilizing all of its resources to frame you or charge you with something you didn’t do, especially when you […]

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Can Manslaughter Charges be Expunged from your Record?

It is safe to say that facing manslaughter charges is one of the most distressing and unpleasant experiences imaginable, and the penalties can extend far beyond those handed down by the court. The repercussions can follow you for life, impacting your business and job prospects, family life, and more. With this in mind, it is […]

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Common Reasons for Fraud Charges

In 2020, there were over 4.8 million complaints of fraud to the Federal Trade Commission, including identity theft. Of that number, at least 2.2 million people were charged with fraud in the United States. This is a major jump in both reports and charges of fraud from previous years, and the number is only climbing, […]

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How to Reduce Assault and Battery Charges

Each year, out of every 1,000 assault and battery cases, 627 are reported to police and 255 reports lead to arrest. If you find yourself in the 255 per 1,000 people who have been arrested, you may be wondering if there is a way to reduce the charges of assault and battery being leveraged against […]

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Facing Tax Evasion Charges? Here’s What You Need to Know

Tax evasion has been the subject of recent news headlines, but tax evasion doesn’t always involve high- profile cases for millions of dollars. But the issue is certainly pervasive. In fact, according to 2020, about one in every six dollars owed in federal taxes is not paid. Tax evasion is a federal crime investigated by […]

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How to Defend Against False Accusations of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence often feels like a game of “he said, she said” and when tempers are flared and tension is high, accusations of domestic violence may create major issues. As frustrating as false accusations of domestic violence are, they are unfortunately not uncommon. It is estimated that every year in the U.S., 1.5 million restraining […]

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Why Hiring a Criminal Defense Lawyer Does NOT Mean You’re a Criminal

Everyone makes mistakes. Making mistakes does not inherently make you a criminal. In the same way, some people will face trouble with the law, and asking for help in those situations does not make you a criminal. Still, hiring a criminal defense lawyer often carries a stigma of guilt, leading to thousands of people in […]

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Do Probations Officers Have the Final Say in Violation Accusations?

When facing accusations of violation of probation (VOP) by your probation officer, it can often feel like “he said, she said.” It can be difficult enough to understand your rights when you are on probation and, when dealing with a probation officer who you don’t feel has your best interest at heart, you might begin […]

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Ways to Protect Yourself from Accusations of PPP Loan Fraud

Businesses across the U.S. are being audited after receiving loans through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Despite not doing anything wrong, your business may be questioned or investigated. Any business that submitted a PPP application and/or received a PPP loan should be aware of the program’s requirements and the various circumstances that may raise a […]

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Does Carrying Legally Obtained Marijuana Constitute Drug Trafficking?

With the changes in the legality of marijuana and the differences between states, it can be tricky to understand what constitutes drug trafficking. You may have legally obtained marijuana in one state only to find traveling with it may pose some legal issues. Before you travel with marijuana, even if legally obtained, it’s important to […]

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Case Results

Felony Criminal Mischief Charges Dropped

Our Client was accused of kicking the alleged victim’s Ferrari and causing $3,000.00 in damage during an argument. The Defense had the felony charge reduced to a misdemeanor and our Client received time served with
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The Client was charged with Battery in Pasco County after an altercation with her roommate, The Client was not convicted.
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Judge Dismisses Drug Charge

The Defendant was parked in his vehicle when he had been approached by law enforcement. The officers then searched the Defendant and his vehicle. The Defense filed a motion to suppress on the grounds of
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