
What Are Legal Implications of Unlawful Possession of Prescription Medicine?

Prescription medication can be extremely helpful for those in need, and dangerous for those possessing it who don’t. Unlawful possession of prescription medicine is considered very severe in Florida courtrooms, and can potentially result in devastating consequences.  If you are facing charges of unlawful possession of any type of prescription medicine, you need to immediately […]

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How Should I Protect Myself From False Battery Accusations?

False accusations of battery can significantly impact one’s life, ruining reputations, jeopardizing careers, and causing immense emotional distress. Due to the severe nature of battery charges, navigating false accusations requires strategic planning and proactive measures from a knowledgeable attorney. The best criminal lawyers in Tampa with The Rickman Law Firm have the experience and skill […]

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Aggravating and Mitigating Factors Against a Felony Battery Charge

Facing a felony battery charge in Florida can result in severe consequences that may impact every aspect of your life. Understanding the aggravating and mitigating factors that could influence your case can make the difference between a favorable outcome and one that is not as favorable. As the leading felony defense attorneys in Tampa with […]

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Can a Minor Be Charged With a Cybersex Crime?

As more minors are active online, there has been an increase in the number of children involved in cybersex activities. As more of these types of cases are being investigated, it is important to know that a minor can be charged with a cybersex crime. If your child is being investigated for any sex crime, […]

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What Are Legal Considerations For When Children Testify In Court During a Child Abuse Case?

In the United States, approximately 3.6 million cases of child abuse are reported every year. If you are facing a child abuse charge, you must work closely with an experienced child abuse defense attorney in Tampa with The Rickman Law Firm. Often, a child may testify in court, and having an attorney with favorable experience […]

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What Are The Consequences of Assault on a Pregnant Woman?

Assault on a pregnant woman is an elevated assault charge and can result in heavy fines and jail time. However, with the representation and guidance from an experienced aggravated assault lawyer in Tampa with The Rickman Law Firm can set you up to achieve the most favorable outcome for your case. Legal Framework in Florida […]

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What Are The Different Degrees of Homicide?

Homicide is one of the most serious offenses a person can be accused of committing. That being said, in the state of Florida, homicide is not treated as a one-size-fits-all crime. Instead, it is categorized into different degrees, each carrying its own set of penalties and legal considerations.  If you or a loved one is […]

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What Can Happen In A Case of Late Reported Sexual Battery?

Sexual battery cases are among the most sensitive and complex legal matters, often carrying severe consequences for any individual charged. In Florida, the timely reporting of sexual battery does play a significant role in the legal process. However, what happens when a sexual battery is reported long after the alleged incident occurred? If you are […]

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Aggravating Factors in Vehicular Homicide

Vehicular homicide is a serious offense that carries significant legal consequences in the state of Florida. When someone is killed as a result of reckless or negligent driving, the consequences can be severe, not only for the victim and their loved ones but also for the convicted individual.  Once a vehicular homicide case gets to […]

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Can a Minor Commit Sexual Assault?

In Florida, sexual offenses are regarded very seriously. However, when the defendant is a minor, the legal landscape becomes more complex. In situations where your child is facing a sexual assault charge, a sexual assault defense attorney in Tampa with The Rickman Law Firm can help you understand the nuances of what the law states […]

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Case Results

Violation of Probation Dismissed

Hillsborough County 10-CF-1182
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No Valid Driver’s License Charge Dismissed

The Client was charged with No Valid Driver’s License upon being stopped by law enforcement. Attorney Anthony Rickman aggressively worked to get the charge dismissed. The State nolle prossed the charge, dismissing the
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Felony Possession Charges Dropped

The Client was originally charged with Felony Possession of Cannabis and Felony Possession of Marijuana. The State reduced the felony charges to Misdemeanor charges and eventually the State dropped all charges.
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