
How Can A Tampa Sex Crimes Attorney Help Me With My Case?

The implications of a sexual battery allegation are very grave. Aside from an notoriously lengthy and arduous legal process, the impact that a sex crime allegation could have on your reputation and quality of life is severe. However, you can better protect yourself when you are being represented by a specialized sex crimes attorney. Hiring […]

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5 Important Questions to Ask A Tampa Federal Criminal Defense Attorney Before You Hire Them

A criminal defense attorney can be the biggest asset to your case if chosen well and correctly. To ensure that your attorney is the right fit for you, there are a few factors that must be considered.The Rickman Law Firm prides itself on the caliber of its attorneys and understands that each case is unique […]

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Why is Florida the Harshest State on Sex Crimes?

Florida has some of the harshest restrictions on sex offenders in the United States. If you ever walk across Arcadia, you’ll see a facility wrapped around with barbed wire. No one can get in or out of there, for it is home to 650 men that the state fears could molest or rape if they […]

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Are Domestic Violence and Domestic Battery the Same Thing?

Domestic violence is a serious crime. And because of this issue’s gravity, many try to conflate domestic violence and battery under one umbrella. While they tend to signify the same things, under Florida Law, clear differentiations have been made between the two. Our battery defense lawyer team in Tampa explains them with this article. What […]

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Are Sex Crime Stings Legal in Florida?

Media coverage and public outcry have often resulted in revision of police practices around sex crime sting operations. It may so happen that innocent individuals get wrongfully entangled in aggressive police operations in the process of sex crime stings. This has urged many to question if such stings are at all legal in Florida, which […]

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5 Tips for Choosing a Criminal Defense Attorney in Tampa

While there is no shortage of criminal defense attorneys in Tampa, the real challenge is choosing the best lawyer for your specific case. Not all lawyers can provide the same value for all types of cases. Therefore, when it comes to choosing the best Tampa criminal defense attorney, the following five tips can help. 1. […]

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What Happens When You Are Charged With a Sex Crime in Hillsborough County?

According to Safewise, Florida is among the 50 safest areas to live in the world. But, the sex crime ratio in this state is disproportionate. While we will not sugarcoat the pains of real sexual assault victims, the truth is that in certain circumstances, be it broken relationships, custody battles, or even revenge, false accusations […]

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How Does a Domestic Violence Charge Affect Your Life?

Law enforcement authorities in Florida are very harsh when it comes to domestic violence accusations. Considering how serious the crime is, the penalties associated with it are also hefty, and may include both jail time and monetary charges. The complicated regulations make building a case without professional help even tougher. Whether falsely accused or not, […]

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Florida’s “Romeo and Juliet” Law and What You Need to Know

When it comes to regulations around “consent” in sexual relationships, Florida sex crime laws are both strict and liberating at the same time. While being charged with violating consent laws can place someone directly on the “sex offenders” list with lasting repercussions, the Romeo and Juliet law allows two parties, close enough in age, to […]

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Florida Cracking Down on Opioid Crimes with HB 95

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently signed into law HB95, which intensifies the regulations and penalties against the crime of sale and distribution of opioids in the State. It seems the authorities are bent on cracking down on opioid crimes more rigorously, due to the long-sustained challenges that opioids have caused across the State, especially for […]

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Case Results

Aggravated Assault with Deadly Weapon Dismissed

The Defendant was charged with Aggravated Assault with a deadly weapon after his estranged wife claimed that he tried to ram her vehicle with his. After providing sufficient evidence to the State contradicting the wife’s
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Trespassing Structure, Disorderly Conduct, And Resisting Arrest Without Violence Charges Dismissed

The Client was arrested and charged with Trespassing in an Unoccupied Structure, Disorderly Conduct, and Resisting Arrest Without Violence. Attorney Anthony Rickman was able to get the Client successfully admitted into a Misdemeanor Intervention Program
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Judge Departs from Sentencing Guidelines and Does Not Place Client in Prison

Defendant was charged with five felonies including battery on an officer resisting arrest with violence and throwing a deadly missile. Through negotiations the state agreed to drop two felonies and the judge agreed to place
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