What You Need to Know About Title IX and Sexual Harassment In Florida Colleges

Accusations under Title IX are sex crimes. Sex crimes, and sexual harassment specifically, are considered to be very serious in the Florida legislature. When you are falsely accused of a Title IX charge of sexual harassment in a Florida college, you need to immediately begin taking action to avoid or reduce lifelong negative consequences.

It is imperative that you prepare an effective defense argument with Rickman Law Firm, the best criminal defense law firm in Tampa, for the highest chance of a favorable outcome. With decades of successful experience in sexual harassment and Title IX cases in the Florida criminal justice system, our Tampa sex crime defense attorneys are ready to equip you and your case with the best, most effective legal counsel and representation throughout your case.

What Is Title IX?

Title IX is a federal law prohibiting discrimination, and any according and relevant actions, based on sex. While this law is applicable in both the workplace and educational institutions, it is still utilized frequently in Florida colleges. Federally-funded educational institutes are the ones under Title IX law and often handle sexual harassment and sexual assault cases under it.

According to Title IX, there are many forms of sexual harassment. Some Title IX cases could include unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and any other sexual verbal or physical conduct. Title IX cases can also take place between students, students and faculty, or between faculty members.

What Is Considered Sexual Harassment Under Title IX in Florida?

Under Title IX, sex-based, or sexual, harassment is essentially unwelcome conduct of a sexual type. This could include

  • Verbal behavior, including but not limited to sexually-related offensive language, suggestive comments, and jokes in the sense of sex-based derogatory and discriminatory language.
  • Sexual violence, including sexual assault, sexual battery, and rape.
  • Physical behavior, including but not limited to groping and willfully and repeatedly touching the same part in a sex-based manner.
  • Sexual coercion, including but not limited to, an exchange of favors, grades, actions, or job-related status.
  • Sharing or publicly showing images and videos of a sexual nature, including sexually suggestive or sexually derogatory media forms.

Sexual harassment as a crime could result in long-term consequences that could ruin your reputation, career, and well-being. If you have been accused of any of the sexual harassment actions mentioned, immediately contact Rickman Law Firm for legal counsel on the next best steps to take.

What Are Some Consequences That Title IX Charges Could Face?

Any sex crime results in severe and lasting consequences, especially without proper legal counsel. Aside from the typical criminal penalties of jail time, probation, and high fines, some of these consequences could include:

  • Denial or loss of student financial assistance, scholarships, and loans
  • Denial or loss of student accommodations
  • Suspension of academic probation
  • Expulsion from school
  • Getting fired from your position
  • Removal from extracurricular activities, such as societies, clubs, leadership positions, and Greek life
  • Degree revocation

Because the consequences of a Title IX sexual harassment charge could be dire, you must hire an expert Title IX defense attorney to help strengthen your case and fight for your justice. If you have been falsely or wrongly accused of breaking Title IX law or sexual harassment in a Title IX-protected institution, Rickman Law Firm will use our expansive repertoire of tools and strategies to reduce the charge, lessen the severity of the consequences, or even drop your case.

What Should I Do If I Am Accused of A Title IX Violation of Sexual Harassment at a Florida College?

If you are accused of sexual harassment at a Florida College, the first thing that you should do is hire an experienced lawyer who knows how to handle Title IX cases and will help you fight for justice.

After receiving an accusation of sexual harassment, the Title IX coordinator at your university will open a case and notify the accusing party and the defendant of the presence of an investigation against the allegation. It is incredibly vital that you do not contact your accuser or communicate with them, as it will only serve to help their case and hurt yours, even if you are attempting to defend yourself to them right at the beginning. Your attorney should be the only one in communication with the officials, legal and police teams, and Title IX coordinators.

After the notice of investigation from the Title IX coordinator, you must immediately start gathering evidence to help your case. This could include messages, DMs, social media posts, phone logs, written statements, or any other evidence that could defend your justice. Your sex Tampa crime defense attorney will inform you of the strength of your evidence and also collect strong evidence when building your defense statement.

After the investigative period, there will be a Title IX hearing where your attorney will be able to represent your case and prove the acquisition to be incorrect, false, or wrongful. You may be eligible for a plea bargain if both parties agree. Your attorney will help determine the most favorable outcome for your case based on the state of the proceedings.

Get Protection From Wrongful Sexual Harassment Title IX Violation Allegations Today

Title IX accusations are serious, just as any other sex crime is. If you have been wrongfully accused of sexual harassment at a Title IX college in Florida, you need to protect yourself and your reputation immediately. You deserve someone to fight for your justice. Contact The Rickman Law Firm today for premium legal counsel and representation. 

The Rickman Law Firm is proud to be the best criminal defense law firm in Tampa. We have successfully fought for claims and cases like yours, and with decades of experience, have the first-rate tools and strategies to craft the most high-quality, effective defense for you. Our office is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week because the fight for justice never sleeps. Contact us today at 813-999-0502 or fill out our consultation form for one of our attorneys to reach out to you soon.


Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.


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