What You Should and Shouldn’t Do When Under Federal Investigation Part 1

It’s terrifying to learn that you’re being investigated for a federal crime. However, being under a federal investigation doesn’t equate to guilt or being placed under arrest immediately. This two-part article will go over some of the dos and don’ts when under a federal investigation. Read part two for the remainder of the article.

Why is an Agent Contacting Me?

You may be wondering why a federal agent is contacting you. An agent is basically investigating potential violations of federal law. The agent is determining whether a crime was committed, who’s responsible for the crime, and any evidence related to the crime. The way you handle this situation will be the difference between you serving time or maintaining your freedom.

Should I Cooperate With a Federal Investigation?

Cooperating with a federal investigation depends on the circumstances. Federal prosecutors can be very aggressive in their quest to get what they want; however, your rights are always a priority. There could be multiple parties involved in the case in which you’ll want to make wise decisions for a successful outcome. A federal criminal defense attorney in Tampa is your best defense for preserving your rights and carefully evaluating the dynamics of your case before you speak with federal agents.

If you find yourself (or a loved one) in the midst of a federal investigation, here’s what you should do:

What to Do

If you (or loved) are implicated in a federal investigation, you should do the following:

Speak With an Attorney

If you’re implicated or think you may be implicated in a federal crime, you need to seek legal representation with a federal defense attorney in Tampa promptly. Resist the urge to tell your side of the story to anyone—even those you trust. At this point, you can’t leave your fate to chance because even the people near and dear to you could also be solicited to cooperate with federal agents during the investigation. Anything you say can be used against you in court.

Remember Your Rights

The rights of those accused of crimes are outlined in the constitutional rights; specifically, in the Fourth through the Seventh Amendments. If federal agents don’t present a search warrant, you can tactfully refuse to talk to them or let them search your home. However, if there is a search warrant, you must comply with them, but also let them know that you would like your attorney present.

For a free consultation with an experienced federal criminal defense attorney in Tampa, please contact The Rickman Law Firm at (813) 712-8736 or submit our contact request form.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.

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