What to Do When Pulled Over By an Unmarked Police Car

It’s late at night and you are driving in a desolate area. All of a sudden, you see flashing lights in your rearview mirror. You’ve been pulled over by what you believe to be an unmarked police vehicle. However, something doesn’t feel right. Maybe the lights don’t look authentic or the unmarked car is driving erratically or at an excessive speed. If you are worried about your safety, you need to know what to do next.

What Not to Do

First things first, what you shouldn’t do is speed up and try to outpace the vehicle. Second, you shouldn’t stop in an isolated area without any nearby eyewitnesses. If you don’t feel safe, you should definitely not engage with the person in the other car. If the person dressed in a police uniform turns out to be a police officer and you wrongfully attacked them, well, you will need an aggravated assault attorney in Tampa.

Three Steps to Ensure Safety

Police officers all over the nation have addressed the issue of criminals posing as police officers because it is a legitimate concern to the general public. Here are three things you should do if you feel you are being pulled over by a person posing as a police officer:

  1. Obey All Traffic Laws: Reduce your speed and drive at a cautious pace with your hazard lights on. As long as you are obeying all traffic laws, the police officer should understand why you didn’t immediately stop.
  2. Public Area: Look for a well-lit public area to stop. Make certain that there are plenty of people in this area that can observe your situation. Any criminal will flee during this scenario.
  3. Call 9-9-9: If you are concerned and fear that you may not make it to a public area quickly, you can also call the police from your cell phone. The police can confirm if an officer is in the process of pulling you over or they can send a police officer to your location if a person is posing as an officer.

Things to Remember

It’s important for motorists to know their basic rights when they are being pulled over. It’s also important to act appropriately when you know something isn’t right. For example, if you have been pulled over, one of the police officers should always be in uniform. You also have a right to keep your car doors locked and your window only slightly cracked open. You can also request to see the police officer’s identification. If the police officer doesn’t seem legitimate, under no circumstances should you step outside the vehicle.

For a free consultation with an experienced aggravated assault lawyer in Tampa, please contact The Rickman Law Firm today.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.

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