What to do if Wrongfully Accused and Convicted of a Sex Crime

Being falsely accused and convicted of a sex crime can have a devastating effect on your reputation and life as you know it. If you find yourself in a precarious position with the local law, you may want to learn more about what you can do before it’s too late.

Wrong Place, Wrong Time

You’re innocent, but now you’re destined to have your name and address included in a national sex offender registry—for the rest of your life. Just by being at the wrong place at the wrong time, things can go from good to extremely bad. If you are stuck in a controversial situation, it may be smart to explore your options with a qualified and reputable sex crime defense attorney in Tampa. These options may include:

Fight to Drop Charges

Feeling like you’ve been “set up” by someone with ulterior motives? Make sure to seek the guidance of an experienced sex crime defense attorney in Tampa to challenge your wrongful conviction and get those charges dropped.

Look to Reduce or Modify Sentence

Depending on the severity of the crime, getting charges removed may not be an option. Although it might seem hopeless, it is important not to get discouraged as one of the attorneys at The Rickman Law Firm may still be able to get your sentence reduced or modified. At times, successful negotiations can change the crime designation to a misdemeanor with informal probation—avoiding the prospect of jail or prison time.

Avoid Lifelong Stigma

Early engagement with a trusted sex crime defense attorney in Tampa may help you to evade the associated lifelong stigma. Fight to protect your rights and avoid local neighborhood embarrassment or added trouble when trying to gain employment.

For a free consultation with an experienced sex crime defense attorney in Tampa, please contact The Rickman Law Firm at (813) 712-8736 or submit our contact request form.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.

Case Results


The Client was involved in an incident which resulted in the shooting of a family member and was being investigated by law enforcement. Attorney Anthony Rickman was with the Client immediately after the incident occurred
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State Drops Burglary/Battery Case

The State Attorney’s Office has dropped all charges against James Clark. Mr. Clark was accused of Battery and Burglary in May of 2013. If convicted of these charges Mr. Clark would have spent the rest
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The Client was arrested for Battery and Criminal Mischief after allegedly having an altercation with a friend and damaging a stovetop during the altercation. Attorney Anthony Rickman provided evidence that the alleged victim
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