Empty Courtroom

Empty courtroom before trial


Schedule Consultation

Case Results

Aggravated Battery Causing Great Bodily Harm Charge Dismissed

The Client was arrested for Aggravated Battery Causing Great Bodily Harm after allegedly striking a family member during an altercation resulting in the family member sustaining a laceration to the head which required
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No Conviction for Aggravated Assault, Obstructing or Resisting Officer Without Violence, and Battery Charges

The Client was arrested and charged with Aggravated Assault, Obstructing or Resisting Officer without Violence and Battery after allegedly being involved in a road rage incident and pointing a gun at the other driver. Even
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Grand Theft Dropped

The Defendant was charged with grand theft for stealing a wallet from a person at the casino. The State agreed to drop the grand theft after the Defense showed them numerous problems within the case.
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