Sex Crimes Defense Attorney in Tampa

An accusation of a sexual crime can be an embarrassing and life changing experience. Depending on the nature of the charge, the consequences of a sexually related offense can extend beyond the criminal accusation. If you are facing a sex crime accusation, it is imperative you seek out an experienced sex crimes defense attorney in Tampa to help you fight the case.

Facing a Sex Crime Allegation?

There are times when a sex crime allegation is fabricated or exaggerated. Alleged victims can also be motivated by some other factor to falsely accuse someone. Sadly, false allegations of sexual misconduct have ruined the lives of many innocent people. One of the reasons this happens is due to a poor defense. It takes a knowledgeable defense attorney skilled in handling sex crime cases to thoroughly examine the details of a case and to develop a strong defense strategy for a success outcome.

Sex Crime Cases The Rickman Law Firm Handles

Anthony Rickman provides criminal defense for a variety of sex crimes. The following list is nonexhaustive.

  • Child pornography: Child pornography is a serious felony offense in Florida and requires the expertise of a child pornography defense attorney.
  • Traveling to meet a minor: Traveling to meet a minor is a serious offense that carries a substantial prison sentence and registration as a sexual offender.
  • Sexual battery: A conviction for sexual battery could result in incarceration and require you to register as a sex offender for the rest of your life.
  • Lewd and lascivious conduct/statutory rape: A conviction of a lewd and lascivious act is a second-degree felony with prison time of up to 15 years, up to 15 years sex offender probation, and a mandatory sex offender registration.
  • Violations of a sex offender report: A convicted sex offender is required to register with local authorities in the jurisdiction which they live, work, and go to school. Failure to report as a sex offender is a third-degree felony with a prison sentence of up to five years, and/or five years probation.

Why Hire a Sex Crimes Defense Attorney in Tampa?

Sex crimes are punished severely resulting in jail time, fines, sex offender registration, and other penalties. Even if you are not convicted, it can be difficult to recover your reputation. If you are being accused of a sex crime or feel a law enforcement officer has violated your rights, contact Anthony Rickman immediately for top notch representation.

For a free consultation with an experienced sex crimes defense attorney in Tampa, please contact The Rickman Law Firm at (813) 712-8736 or submit our contact request form.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.

Case Results


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