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Case Results

Battery and Criminal Mischief Charges Dismissed Within Days of Arrest

The Client was arrested for Battery and Criminal Mischief after being involved in a verbal altercation with her partner which turned physical and resulted in the Client allegedly damaging the partner’s vehicle. Attorney Anthony Rickman
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Vehicular Homicide Investigation Closed Prior to Any Arrest or Charges Filed

The Client was being investigated by law enforcement for Vehicular Homicide after the Client was involved in an accident which resulted in the death of a passenger. Attorney Anthony Rickman was in communication
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Felony Domestic Battery Charge Reduced to Misdemeanor and Child Abuse Charge Dismissed

The Client was arrested for Domestic Battery and Child Abuse, both of which are third degree felonies. Even though this was not the first time the Client was charged with Domestic Battery, Attorney Anthony Rickman
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