DUI sanctions Breath Alcohol Level over a .15


    • arrowAdjudication
    • arrow12 months probation
    • arrowDUI school
    • arrow50 community service hours
    • arrow$1000 fine
    • arrowCourt costs
    • arrow10 day immobilization
    • arrow6 month license suspension
    • arrowIgnition interlock device

Just because you have a high Blood alcohol level does not mean you will be found guilty of a DUI. Anthony Rickman has successfully represented his clients charged with enhanced DUI’s.  By fighting your case at every level Anthony Rickman may be able to get your charge dismissed, reduced, or you found not guilty at a trial.  Do not delay contact The Rickman Law Firm for a free consultation.

It is impossible to avoid an enhanced DUI by having the State agree and stipulate that your Blood Alcohol Level is below a .15. the only way to avoid required sanctions is if the State agrees to reduce the charge to Reckless Driving (RD). Under the RD statute, there are no mandatory sanctions. However, the DUI sanctions are usually used as a framework. Sanctions may go up or down depending on the facts of the case. (Typically, the ignition interlock, immobilization and 6 month license suspension are removed)

Case Results

No Conviction For Aggravated Assault With A Deadly Weapon And Aggravated Stalking Charges

The Client was charged with Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon and Aggravated Stalking, both of which are felonies. The Client was not convicted.
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No Conviction for Battery Charge

The Client was arrested and charged with Battery. Even though the Client picked up additional felony charges after the Battery arrest, the Client was not convicted on the Battery charge.
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Felony Domestic Battery Charge Reduced to Misdemeanor and Child Abuse Charge Dismissed

The Client was arrested for Domestic Battery and Child Abuse, both of which are third degree felonies. Even though this was not the first time the Client was charged with Domestic Battery, Attorney Anthony Rickman
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