You hear about manslaughter cases across Florida on the news daily. Manslaughter is a homicide that occurs without malice or forethought. From botox injections gone wrong to DUI crashes, these incidents are unfortunate but unintentional. The defendant in these situations does not intend to harm or kill the victim.
Punishment for manslaughter is typically less than that of murder. However, it is still a serious crime that requires the assistance of an experienced manslaughter defense lawyer in Tampa. The Rickman Law Firm is skilled in developing a strong defense against manslaughter charges including excusable homicide, justifiable homicide, self-defense, or wrongly accused. Anthony Rickman has successfully negotiated to have charges dropped, reduced, and dismissed on the behalf of clients accused of manslaughter.
Manslaughter falls into two categories: voluntary manslaughter and involuntary manslaughter. Voluntary manslaughter is the occurrence of a homicide that is provoked and occurs in the “heat of passion.” Involuntary manslaughter is an occurrence of homicide that is unintentional/accidental due to reckless or negligent conduct.
The penalties associated with a manslaughter charge varies depending on whether it was involuntary, voluntary, involved a firearm or weapon, and whether the act was performed on a child under 18 or an elderly person. A manslaughter is typically a second-degree felony but can be converted to a first-degree felony when it involves a child, elderly person, or weapon/firearm. It is critical that you speak with a manslaughter defense attorney in Tampa to discuss the specifics of your case.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.