If you’ve been granted the privilege of probation after committing a crime, consider yourself fortunate. Not all offenses qualify for probation. Unfortunately, violating the terms of your probation may come with severe consequences which includes hefty fines and jail time.
Probation is granted by the courts which reduces your jail time or allows you to avoid jail time completely. You are permitted to stay within the community but with supervision. Sounds simple, but not everyone meets the terms of their probation which lands them back in trouble. The first step in avoiding a probation violation is to understand the rules of probation, which can be found in The Florida Statutes Chapter 948. An exchange for “restricted” freedom, you must ensure you:
In addition to the aforementioned rules, you must ensure that you pass urine tests and pay ordered fines or restitution as required. Complying with these rules is critical for keeping your record clean and maintaining your freedom.
Failing to follow the rules of your probation is a serious mistake. The odds are already stacked against you so you must guard yourself against violations since this could create new charges against you. Consequences include extending your probation, additional jail time, revoking your probation, or paying a fine.
Understand that you have a right to challenge any allegations against you, but you must do so quickly, and preferably, with the help of a probation violation attorney in Tampa. The Rickman Law Firm can help you fight a probation violation accusation with an effective defense strategy to challenge the alleged violation for a positive outcome.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.