
A legal proceeding in which a debtor’s money, in the possession of another (called the garnishee) is applied to the debts of the debtor, such as when an employer garnishes a debtor’s wages.

General jurisdiction

Refers to courts that have no limit on the types of criminal and civil cases they may hear.

Good time

A reduction in sentenced time in prison as a reward for good behavior. It usually is one third to one half of the maximum sentence.

Grand Jury

A jury of inquiry whose duty it is to receive complaints and accusations in criminal matters and if appropriate issue a formal indictment.


The person who sets up a trust. Also referred to as “settlor.”


In labor law a complaint filed by an employee regarding working conditions to be resolved by procedural machinery provided in the union contract. An injury, injustice, or wrong which gives ground for complaint.


A person appointed by will or by law to assume responsibility for incompetent adults or minor children. If a parent dies, this will usually be the other parent. If both die, it probably will be a close relative.


Legal right given to a person to be responsible for the food, housing, health care, and other necessities of a person deemed incapable of providing these necessities for himself or herself.


Schedule Consultation

Case Results

No Conviction for Felony Burglary of an Unoccupied Structure Charge

The Client was arrested for Felony Burglary of an Unoccupied Structure. After successfully resolving cases in both Polk and Pasco County for similar charges, Attorney Anthony Rickman was able to resolve this case and the
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Felony Criminal Mischief Charge Dismissed

The Client was charged with Criminal Mischief, a third-degree felony, after the Client allegedly punched an ATM machine that was not operating correctly outside of a local bar. Attorney Anthony Rickman immediately contacted the State
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No Conviction Of Leaving The Scene Of An Accident

The Client was charged with Leaving the Scene of an Accident without Providing Information, which is a Second-Degree Misdemeanor. The client was not convicted of the offense.
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