Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer in St. Petersburg

If you have been accused or charged with a crime by a federal agency, you need experienced legal representation in federal court. Anthony Rickman, the lead attorney of The Rickman Law Firm, has over a decade of experience as both a state and federal criminal defense lawyer in St. Petersburg. Rickman has successfully defended clients in federal cases involving accusations of white collar crimes, cyber crimes, sex crimes, drug crimes, violent crimes, and murder. If you are accused of a federal crime, don’t hesitate to speak with the best federal criminal defense lawyer in St. Petersburg.      

What Makes Anthony Rickman the Best Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer in St. Petersburg?

If you’re looking at possible prison time or an excessive fine, you want to partner with the most qualified attorney you can find. Because the legal system is highly complex, you want a knowledgeable and experienced attorney representing you in matters involving crimes on the federal level. Here are some of the benefits of partnering with the best federal criminal defense attorney in St. Petersburg:  

  • Building a Defense: Well before your day in court, an attorney can hire investigators to investigate the alleged crime, discover evidence, analyze eyewitness testimonies, and develop an argument that challenges the prosecution’s case.   
  • Understands the Law: A highly experienced attorney is intimately familiar with all the rules and regulations related to your federal case. There’s always the potential that the evidence being used against you was obtained unlawfully.
  • Transparency: A criminal defense lawyer is not only a positive advocate in your corner, but also a source of insight into court proceedings. Whether it’s a logical assessment of how the case is going or guidance on the defendant’s conduct during the trial, an experienced attorney can navigate a client through a federal case.   
  • Deliver Results: Regardless of the circumstances of the case, a great attorney is committed to delivering the best possible outcome for their client. Whether it’s a dismissal of charges, legal suppression of evidence, or attractive plea bargain deal, an experienced attorney can utilize an array of strategies to help you reach a positive resolution to your case.  

Never Settle for Inferior Defense

When a federal agency is investigating you or if you have been charged with a federal crime, seek the advice of an attorney that has significant experience representing the accused in federal court. Working with the right attorney can alleviate stress and result in a more favorable outcome in a court of law. If you are potentially facing prison time, don’t settle for inferior defense. Consult the best federal criminal defense attorney in St. Petersburg.

For a free consultation with a federal criminal defense attorney in St. Petersburg, please contact The Rickman Law Firm today.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.

Case Results

Battery Charge Dropped

The Client was charged with a misdemeanor battery after allegedly breaking the victim’s nose in a fight at the Hard Rock Casino. After a successful plea negotiation, the Defense was able to get the client
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The Client was charged with Driving Under the Influence after the client’s vehicle was stopped for driving erratically. Attorney Rickman filed a motion to suppress and dismiss the charge of DUI on the grounds that
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The Client was charged with Possession of Cannabis and Driving Under the Influence as well as a Traffic Infraction. Attorney Anthony Rickman succeeding in getting the State to Nolle Prosse the Possession of Cannabis charge
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