Child-on-Child Sexual Abuse

In America, we typically think of sex crimes as crimes committed by men against women or crimes by adults against children. However, child-on-child sexual abuse is more prevalent than you might expect. In this short article, a sexual assault defense attorney in Tampa from The Rickman Law Firm will discuss some shocking statistics about child-on-child sexual abuse.

Although most of these crimes don’t lead to jail time, many cases do require children to serve time in juvenile detention or even an adult penitentiary pending the details of the case. If your child is accused of sexual abuse, consult our sex crime defense attorneys in Tampa to determine the best course of action for you and your family.

Examining the Facts About Child-on-Child Sexual Abuse

If your child has been accused of a juvenile sex offense, it can create a lot of tension between members of your family. Whether they are guilty or innocent, being accused can make you look differently at your child. The U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) has published some important facts related to child-on-child sexual abuse including:

  • Juveniles make up roughly one-third (35.6 percent) of sex offenses committed against minors.
  • Compared to adult sex offenses, child-on-child sexual abuse occurs more frequently in groups and at schools.
  • Typically, child-on-child sexual abuse is a result of male children targeting younger victims.
  • The highest percentage of child-on-child sexual abuse occurs with children ages 15 to 17.
  • Child-on-child sexual abuse makes up more than 25 percent of all sex offenses in the United States.

The Demographics of Child-on-Child Sexual Abuse

Law enforcement officials have identified important demographic statistics that help explain the child-on-child sexual abuse issue more clearly. In the United States, 5 percent of offenders were under the age of 9 while 16 percent were more than 12 years old. Additionally, 38 percent are ages 12 to 14, while 46 percent are ages 15 to 17. However, the most shocking statistic is that 93 percent of child-on-child sexual abuse offenders are male.

What types of sexual offenses are children committing? For one, children often commit sexual offenses in groups and at school. In many cases, more than one child, usually male, will team up to abuse a single target. About 13 percent of child sexual offenders commit sodomy and fondling accounts for 49 percent. In all, 59 percent of the crimes target children younger than 12 years old. Minors are less likely than adults to rape another person.

If you believe your child is engaging in inappropriate sex acts with another child, consult our sex crime defense attorneys in Tampa for counsel on what to do.
For a free consultation with an experienced sexual assault defense attorney in Tampa, please contact The Rickman Law Firm today.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.

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