
From Arrest to Acquittal: The Federal Defense Process Explained

If you have been charged with a federal crime, you are likely feeling very overwhelmed and unsure of how to proceed. Federal crime charges are complex legal proceedings, and because the federal criminal justice system operates differently from state systems, it is important to have more specialized knowledge and understanding of building an effective strategic […]

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Consent in Sexual Battery Cases: What It Means and How It Is Determined

Sexual battery cases are notorious for being difficult and harsh for the accused but they can also be some of the most complex cases because of the factor of consent. If you have an explicitly consensual sexual encounter with someone, and suddenly face a charge of sexual battery or rape, what do you do? All […]

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Navigating Restraining Orders and Protective Orders in Domestic Violence Cases

Domestic violence cases are quite complicated and can have many complex components that are difficult to understand, let alone navigate through. Two of the most complicated aspects of a domestic violence case are restraining orders and protective orders. If you have been unjustly served a restraining or protective order in Florida, you need to hire […]

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The Role of Evidence in Sex Crimes Cases in Florida

Evidence is the cornerstone of the outcome in a sex crimes case. Consequently, evidence is a critical aspect of your defense strategy that can make or break your case. Because of the sensitive and complex nature of sex crimes, courts will defer to the evidence frequently and strongly throughout the case proceedings. If you have […]

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How To Protect Yourself Against Rape Charges in Florida

Rape is a seriously and harshly punished crime in Florida. There are life-long implications and repercussions for the reputations of those accused. When you are falsely accused of rape charges, you need to act immediately to avoid as many negative undeserved consequences as possible. The Rickman Law Firm’s Tampa criminal defense lawyers are highly skilled […]

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The Importance of Seeking Legal Help Early in a Sex Crimes Case

Sex crime cases are severe, and complex, and can result in devastating consequences if not handled professionally and quickly. If you have been accused of a sex crime, you must immediately seek professional legal help from a highly-reputable Tampa criminal defense attorney who will allow your case to proceed most favorably, protecting your reputation, your […]

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How to Choose the Right Assault and Battery Attorney in Tampa, FL

There are many options for Tampa assault and battery attorneys to hire. Choosing the best one for you requires effort and careful consideration of many different factors when conducting your search to find the right one for you and your claim. As Tampa’s leading law firm, The Rickman Law Firm knows which aspects of an […]

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Ways a Tampa Drug Trafficking Defense Attorney Can Help Reduce Your Sentence

The Florida legislature and court system have some of the harshest sentences and legal punishments for drug trafficking in the United States. What is Considered Drug Trafficking? In Florida, drug trafficking is the intentional sale, importation, manufacture, delivery, purchase or possession of a controlled substance. Drug trafficking offenses apply if the drug quantity involved exceeds […]

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Common Mistakes to Avoid in Sex Crimes Cases in Florida

Sex crimes are some of the most severe offenses in Florida. If convicted of a sex crime, a person can face harsh, life-altering consequences. There have been many cases where individuals who have been charged with sex crimes unknowingly made a common mistake that affected their defense and positioning, making it harder to defend themselves […]

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Navigating the Legal System After a Federal Criminal Arrest in Tampa

If you have been arrested for a federal crime in Tampa, not all hope is lost. Each trial and the post-arrest legal proceeding is unique and may involve a few steps, or it may involve many steps. Your Tampa federal defense lawyer has an intimate understanding of the criminal justice system and will not only […]

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Case Results

Child Abuse Charge Dismissed

The Client was arrested for Child Abuse after an incident where an individual under the age of 18 exploded firecrackers under the Client’s vehicle and a conflict ensued. Attorney Anthony Rickman immediately contacted
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Aggravated Battery Great Bodily Harm and Deadly Weapon Charge Dismissed

The Client was involved in an incident which resulted in the shooting of a family member and was being investigated by law enforcement. Attorney Anthony Rickman was with the Client immediately after the incident occurred
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Felony Possession Charges Dropped

The Client was originally charged with Felony Possession of Cannabis and Felony Possession of Marijuana. The State reduced the felony charges to Misdemeanor charges and eventually the State dropped all charges.
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