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Case Results

Battery and Criminal Mischief Charges Dismissed

The Client was arrested for Battery and Criminal Mischief after allegedly having an altercation with a friend and damaging a stovetop during the altercation. Attorney Anthony Rickman provided evidence that the alleged victim
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Burglary, Battery on a Law Enforcement Officer, Resisting an Officer with Violence, and Disorderly Intoxication Charges All Administratively Dismissed Upon Completion of Diversion Program

The Client was arrested for several charges which included two counts of Burglary, Battery on a Law Enforcement Officer, Resisting an Officer with Violence and Disorderly Intoxication. The Rickman Law Firm diligently worked
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Felony Battery on a Law Enforcement Officer and Obstructing or Opposing with Violence Charges Dropped

The Client was originally charged with two felonies and one misdemeanor related to a fight outside a nightclub in Ybor. After a successful plea negotiation, the Client pled to the misdemeanor and the State Attorney
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