Whether or not you are intoxicated, being pulled over and accused of driving under the influence (DUI) can be demeaning and frustrating. If you are arrested for a DUI, it can be even more upsetting. Fortunately, in the event that you have been pulled over, you can avoid falling into accidental traps by steering clear of a few common mistakes.
Before we dive into some of the most common mistakes, it’s important to note that if you have been arrested for a DUI, you should contact a DUI attorney in Tampa with The Rickman Law Firm as soon as possible.
Related: A Few Things to Consider When Accused of Driving Under the Influence
Admitting You Have Been Drinking
At night, you still may be pulled over for completely routine reasons, from changing lanes without using a signal and speeding to running stop signs and red lights. If you have been pulled over for a completely routine reason or are being pulled over as part of a DUI checkpoint or on suspicion of DUI, one of the biggest errors you can make is admit that you have been drinking. No matter what happens, you should never admit that you have been drinking. Even if you are within the legal limits, this can severely hurt your case.
Refusing a Breathalyzer
Let’s say you are pulled over and are completely sober, but you refuse a breathalyzer test on principle. This might seem like an act of self-preservation in the moment, but it can actually lead to a suspension of your license. Why is the penalty for refusing a breathalyzer so high in Florida? Because of implied consent, outlined in Florida Statute 316.1932, which states that any person who accepts the privilege of operating a vehicle in the State of Florida is “deemed to have given his or her consent to submit to an approved chemical test or physical test.” Thus, the penalty for refusing to submit to a breathalyzer is a mandatory license suspension for one year for the first offense.
Related: How a DUI Conviction Can Change Your Life
Failing to Contact an Attorney If Arrested
If you have been arrested for a DUI, there may be a bit of a stigma around hiring an attorney. There is a common idea that only guilty criminals need legal representation. However, that is far from the truth. In actuality, failing to hire an attorney after a DUI is one of the most common, and costly, mistakes you can make. Being arrested for a DUI does not always mean an automatic conviction. The police must prove that they had just cause to pull you over in addition to several other factors.
If you should find yourself arrested for a DUI, it’s important to contact a DUI lawyer in Tampa with The Rickman Law Firm immediately. Your attorney will discuss your legal options and craft the best defense for your unique situation.
For a free consultation with a DUI attorney in Tampa, please contact The Rickman Law Firm today.