Where Do You Turn When Accused of a White-Collar Crime?

Financially motivated, nonviolent crimes often fall under the umbrella of being classified as “white-collar crimes.” Typically, white-collar crimes are committed by businesses or government entities and can be a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the charges. Naturally, the penalty for these crimes can also be as minor as a slap on the wrist or as serious as a lengthy prison sentence. 

In this brief article, a felony defense attorney in Tampa will discuss several of the most common types of white-collar crimes. We will also discuss the benefits of accused parties working with an experienced attorney in Tampa on their case. Remember, if you have been accused of a white-collar crime, you require an excellent defense strategy. Consult the criminal defense lawyers with The Rickman Law Firm today. 

Types of White-Collar Crimes

As we discussed above, white-collar crimes can vary greatly. Here are some examples of white-collar crimes that require the attention of an attorney:

  • Wage Theft: Whether an employer refuses to pay overtime or is paying their employees below minimum wage, any form of wage theft is considered a white-collar crime and requires the attention of a defense lawyer.
  • Fraud: Any person that obtains property or any other type of value (money, services, etc.) through deceit may be charged with fraud. Criminal fraud is a serious crime that can result in excessive fines and even a prison sentence.
  • Embezzlement: For professionals that work in a field that allows them access to a client’s finances, any act of removing or reallocating those funds from the client’s trust accounts into a personal account is a serious financial crime.
  • Cybercrimes: One of the most rapidly growing areas of crime, cybercrimes include everything from identity theft, bank fraud, or other financial crimes to a variety of other crimes like hacking, copyright infringement, or possessing child pornography.
  • Insider Trading: When investors utilize nonpublic information to trade a public company’s stocks or other securities, this competitive edge offered to the investor is illegal and considered insider trading.
  • Money Laundering and Racketeering: Any attempt to conceal the origins of money by transferring it through some indirect means is considered money laundering. Similarly, if a business regularly earns money from a criminal act, this is considered racketeering.     

Consult an Attorney

As any of the above white-collar crimes can result in very complex cases, individuals or businesses accused of violating the law require criminal defense. As a former prosecutor, Anthony Rickman has a unique perspective of the criminal legal system and has the skill and experience to aggressively defend clients accused of white-collar crimes. At The Rickman Law Firm, you can work with a felony defense lawyer in Tampa that has helped clients achieve successful outcomes in both state and federal court. If you have been accused of a white-collar crime, never settle for inferior defense. Consult Anthony Rickman and his legal team today. 

For a free consultation with a felony defense attorney in Tampa, please contact The Rickman Law Firm today.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation. 


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Case Results


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The Client was arrested for Felony Battery on a Pregnant Female. Attorney Anthony Rickman diligently worked and convinced the State not to prosecute the Client and the Charges against the Client were all dropped.
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The Client was charged with Driving Under the Influence. Although he blew under the legal limit the officer believed the client was under the influence of marijuana due to the odor of the substance and
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