Are Domestic Violence and Domestic Battery the Same Thing?

Domestic violence is a serious crime. And because of this issue’s gravity, many try to conflate domestic violence and battery under one umbrella. While they tend to signify the same things, under Florida Law, clear differentiations have been made between the two. Our battery defense lawyer team in Tampa explains them with this article.

What is Domestic Violence under the Florida Law?

Florida Statute 741.28 defines domestic violence as any criminal offense that causes physical injury or death of a household member at the hands of another household member. That said, the domestic charges can vary from committing sex crimes to kidnapping and physical assault. A defense attorney in Tampa knows that domestic violence is an umbrella term given to:

  1. Domestic battery
  2. Aggravated battery 
  3. Assault
  4. Aggravated assault

Domestic Battery

Domestic battery, per Florida Law, is defined as intentionally striking or touching a family or household member with the intent to cause physical injury or death. To qualify as a domestic battery, the alleged must have the following relationship with the victim: 

  1. Current roommates or former roommates
  2. Blood-related family members
  3. Spouses
  4. Ex-Spouses
  5. Co-parents
  6. Stepparents and Stepchildren
  7. Individuals related by blood through a child
  8. Disabled adults or caregivers
  9. Elderly adults or caregivers

Domestic battery is a first-degree misdemeanor, and the convicted is penalized with up to one year in jail and a $1,000 fine.

Aggravated Battery

Aggravated battery is a version of domestic assault where the victim is hit or touched against their will using a deadly weapon that causes great bodily harm to the victim, ranging from permanent disfigurement, permanent disability, and permanent mental or physical scarring. It is one of the most serious domestic charges across America, carrying the punishment of 15 years of prison and a $10,000 fine. So, it is wise to have a battery defense lawyer in Tampa to help you to prepare for this case.


Assault and battery are not the same things. For one, physical contact need not be considered when it comes to assault, according to Florida Statute 784.011. Here are some critical points our team wants you to keep in mind.

  1. The threat of violence: Threatening a family member or a significant other is a second-degree felony according to Florida’s domestic violence laws. The punishment is 60 days in jail and a $500 fine.
  2. Intent to commit the act: To charge you with domestic assault, Florida state has only to prove that you intended to act upon your threats. You can prove otherwise, provided you have a federal defense attorney in Tampa by your side.

Aggravated Assault

Aggravated assault refers to threatening another person with a deadly weapon. Proven charges can lead to up to 5 years in prison and a $5,000 fine.

Contact The Rickman Law Firm to Get your Life Back

Domestic violence is an umbrella term covering domestic battery and assault. If you’re ever charged with domestic battery, you need to get all the facts right with the help of a defense lawyer in Tampa so that your case has a strong foundation. 

Contact our federal defense attorney in Tampa if you’re facing such changes. We will get to work and help you reclaim your dignity.

Contact The Rickman Law Firm today to begin talking about your case!


Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.

Are Sex Crime Stings Legal in Florida?

Media coverage and public outcry have often resulted in revision of police practices around sex crime sting operations. It may so happen that innocent individuals get wrongfully entangled in aggressive police operations in the process of sex crime stings.

This has urged many to question if such stings are at all legal in Florida, which only the best federal defense attorney in St Petersburg can answer.

The Legality of Sex Crime Stings in Florida

In the state of Florida, sex crimes refer to aggravated acts of sexual misconduct, sexual battery, incest, lewd and lascivious offenses, prostitution, and child pornography. 

In legal terms, a criminal investigation into a sex crime can be initiated either upon the alleged victim contacting authorities and/or during a sting operation by law enforcement officers. This may encompass warrants to tap phone lines and explore electronic devices.

While conducting sex crime sting operations is permitted for law enforcement authorities and the State, they are not permitted to promote illegal activities to make people engage in actions that they may otherwise have not engaged in. 

However, law enforcement authorities may extract any evidence that they can use against the defendant, meaning innocuous persons might fall prey to misleading tactics that approach or equal entrapment. 

In many of these cases, the consequences can be severe for the accused, including social stigma associated with arrest records, sex offender registration, biased media opinion, and so on. 

A trusted way to handle and fight back damaging accusations and clear your name of sex crime charges in Florida is by consulting with a St. Petersburg federal criminal defense lawyer who is experienced in handling sensitive cases such as these.

The Best Federal Defense Attorney in St Petersburg: The Rickman Law Firm

If you are looking for the best federal defense attorney in St. Petersburg, look no further than The Rickman Law Firm. Our team of attorneys is familiar with expert defense strategies against the state’s pressure to get a conviction in sex crime sting operations, especially in high-profile cases. 

Wading through the nuances of already complicated Florida sex crime laws requires an experienced defense attorney, and that is exactly what we promise you. Extensive scrutiny and thorough cross-checks are conducted into the sex sting operation procedures, arrest, and nature of charges to provide you protection against unlawful search, interrogation, and entrapment.

Call the Rickman Law Firm today at (813) 999-0502 for a free, confidential, and bias-free consultation. To free yourself from a lifetime of discrimination and suspicion and secure your future, consult the best federal defense attorney in St. Petersburg!


Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.

5 Tips for Choosing a Criminal Defense Attorney in Tampa

While there is no shortage of criminal defense attorneys in Tampa, the real challenge is choosing the best lawyer for your specific case. Not all lawyers can provide the same value for all types of cases.

Therefore, when it comes to choosing the best Tampa criminal defense attorney, the following five tips can help.

1. Research the Attorney’s Experience

When it comes to choosing legal representation, experience is crucial. Look for an attorney who has criminal defense experience relevant to your specific case.

You should also inquire about the law firm’s success rate. A lawyer may have a lot of experience but produce poor results. Understanding the types of outcomes the firm has been able to obtain can help you understand your options.

2. Research the Law Firm’s Reputation

An online search can reveal sufficient information about an attorney and law firm only if they have enough internet publicity to back them. The best way to start when confirming the lawyer’s reputation is the Florida State Bar. 

Always make sure the attorney is licensed and does not have any disciplinary action on their shoulders. is another useful resource to check attorney ratings and reviews before contacting them. 

You can also request references or testimonials from potential attorneys. These are testimonials from previous customers who recommend their services to you. Any reputable legal professional should have these on hand. If they cannot provide a reference, you should reconsider hiring them.

3. Research Local Experience

Hiring the most well-known lawyer may appear to be the most appealing option. A local attorney, on the other hand, has advantages. For instance, you might want to consider an expert Tampa criminal defense lawyer for your case instead of a larger attorney from another state for a local case.

Local lawyers are familiar with the people you’ll see in court, such as judges and prosecutors. They are also aware of judges’ and prosecutors’ tendencies and how they operate. This can assist your attorney in developing the best defense strategy for your case.

4. Ask the Right Questions

An important step in hiring the right criminal defense attorney is to meet all the potential attorneys in person and discuss their offerings. Though asking lots of questions is encouraged, you should choose questions strategically, as this can help you evaluate the attorney’s enthusiasm, synergy and aptness for your case. 

Apart from their professional information that you may already be aware of, ask them about similar cases that they have handled in the past. It is important to get to know their values and skills, and to understand whether these particular values and skills are what you are looking for in your criminal defense attorney.

5. Compare Costs

You will most likely already know what your budget is before beginning your search. When comparing attorney fees, you should know what type of fee structure this individual provides.

Contingency fees, hourly charges, flat fees, or retainers are all possible structures.

If a fee appears to be too good to be true, you should investigate the lawyer further. This could be a representation of the work they intend to do or their experience.

Choose the Right Tampa Criminal Defense Attorney

It is no small task to decide on the best criminal defense attorneys out of the many options available, and it is key to always place focus on your specific needs and the attorney’s specific offerings. 

At The Rickman Law Firm, we are proud to provide the best Tampa criminal defense lawyer for your case, familiar with expert defense strategies, especially in high-profile cases. Contact us today for a free, confidential, and bias-free consultation.


Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.

What Happens When You Are Charged With a Sex Crime in Hillsborough County?

According to Safewise, Florida is among the 50 safest areas to live in the world. But, the sex crime ratio in this state is disproportionate. 

While we will not sugarcoat the pains of real sexual assault victims, the truth is that in certain circumstances, be it broken relationships, custody battles, or even revenge, false accusations may come to the surface. 

And because of the nature of the crime, guilty until proven innocent is often the norm, and some police officers are more likely to become a witness against you rather than hear your side. 

Therefore, when you’re charged with a sex crime in Hillsborough County or anywhere else, you must take quick action. And the key to acting quickly on your feet is to know what happens next. Read on to learn more from a top sexual battery attorney in Tampa.

Actions to Take Once You’ve Been Accused of a Sex Crime

Breaking Contact With the Accuser and Those Who Support Them

Facing a sexual assault accusation is a life-changing event that can only become worse, depending on your reaction. Your first instinct would often be to contact your accuser – you must refrain. When you’re charged and the police don’t have enough evidence against you, the policy will fight tooth and nail to find something to pin you with. And in a moment of poor judgement, you may say something that, while not purely accusatory, can put you in a bad light. 

When you’re charged, the next step for the police is to gather physical evidence. For you, the next step should be to cease all contact between you and your accuser and those who support them.

Acting Quickly and Reaching Out to a Lawyer

Once you have removed all contact with your accuser, you must contact a sexual battery attorney in Tampa. Having an attorney at your side will allow you to make wise moves at every step of the case. The lawyer will start an immediate investigation, starting with finding out the type of sex crime you’re accused of. Their job will be to drill down and get answers to questions and most importantly, the reason behind the accusation.

Building a Defense

Once you have the top criminal attorneys in Tampa at your side, the defense-building process will begin. It is likely that at the same time, the prosecutor’s side will also start collecting the evidence to support their assault claims. Since you’re the one being charged, you’d be up against police, psychologists, and forensic experts – who – perhaps through their own biases – will work hard to find you guilty. However, with the help of a sexual battery attorney in Tampa with the Rickman Law Firm by your side, you’d be able to mount a great defense.

Sex Crimes Penalties in Florida

Because sexual assaults affect the personal and social lives of the victims for a long time, and because public calls for convictions regarding rape are high, Florida authorities have increased the penalties for sex crimes. 

A Sex crime can result in a second-degree felony or a capital or life felony conviction. A second-degree felony is punishable by up to 15 years in prison and a $10,000 fine. For a capital felony, the punishment can be life imprisonment without the possibility of parole and fines of up to $15,000. 

However, these pale in comparison to what might happen to your reputation. That is why, if you’re charged with a sex crime, ensure that you’ve enlisted the help of the top criminal attorneys in Tampa within your reach.

Contact The Rickman Law Firm today for a free case consultation. 


Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.

How Does a Domestic Violence Charge Affect Your Life?

Law enforcement authorities in Florida are very harsh when it comes to domestic violence accusations. Considering how serious the crime is, the penalties associated with it are also hefty, and may include both jail time and monetary charges. The complicated regulations make building a case without professional help even tougher. 

Whether falsely accused or not, a domestic violence charge can have severe consequences, affecting your familial ties, social standing, and experience at the workplace, to name a few. This makes it important for people to understand the nuances of a domestic violence charge so that they are better equipped to protect their rights under pressing circumstances. 

Getting help from a specialized domestic violence defense attorney in Tampa is what you need in such situations. But first, let us try to uncover some essential details on domestic violence regulations in Florida.

What is Domestic Violence?

People frequently picture only physical assaults when they think about domestic violence. It is important to understand, however, that domestic violence accusations are much broader than this. Charges might cover a number of additional crimes. 

For pertinent definitions of the crime of domestic violence in Florida, one can refer to Florida Statutes Section 741.28. Any of the following actions that cause physical harm or death to a member of the accused’s family or household is referred to as “domestic violence”:

  • Assault and aggravated assault
  • Battery and aggravated battery
  • Sexual assault
  • Sexual battery
  • Stalking and aggravated stalking
  • Kidnapping
  • False imprisonment
  • Other criminal offenses 

In accordance with Florida state law, incidents like the above may qualify as domestic violence if they result in the harm or demise of a person who is or has been a household member, a relative, a spouse, or a parent. To qualify, the victim must be either of the following:

  • Spouse
  • Former spouse
  • Person related by blood or marriage
  • Individuals currently staying together as a family
  • Individuals who previously stayed together as a family 
  • Parents with a child in common 

Barring the last category, that is, parents with a child in common, in all other cases both parties must be residing together in a single dwelling unit, or must have stayed together in the past to be able to qualify under domestic violence legislations.

What are the Potential Legal Consequences for a Domestic Violence Charge?

Once convicted of a domestic violence crime, an individual can face several potentially severe consequences depending on factors like previous criminal records, atrocity of the accused crime, and so on.

Here are some of the potential penalties that the accused can expect to face, dependent on the severity of their conditions:

  • A sentence of up to one year in jail and a fine of $1000 in case of a first-degree misdemeanor, which occurs when the accused has received a first-time domestic violence charge in Florida
  • A mandatory minimum sentence of 10 days in jail if the court finds that the accused caused bodily harm to the victim intentionally
  • A mandatory minimum sentence of 15 days in jail if the court finds that the alleged domestic violence first offense occurred in the presence of child 16 years or younger, the child being a part of the household of the victim or accused 
  • A minimum term of one year probation and completion of a batterer’s intervention program as part of the probation in case the accused is found guilty of domestic violence or enters a no-contest plea to the crime 
  • Loss of the right to own or possess firearms in some cases
  • Loss of the right to have criminal records sealed or expunged in some cases
  • Completion of a 26-week long anger management class in some cases, typically paying for these programs themselves
  • Barred from contacting the alleged victim or victims, which may result in being unable to enter their own home or visiting their children

Considering the harsh legal and judicial ramifications of facing a domestic violence charge, it is important to get a skilled domestic violence defense attorney in Tampa that can help you get the charges either dismissed or reduced. With the right legal counsel by your side, accused individuals might be able to evade mandatory counseling or even jail-time sentences, or even completely absolve themselves of a false accusation.

Hire The Best Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer in Tampa Today

Whether or not you have sufficient evidence or witnesses to support your claim against a domestic violence charge, the pressure of handling complicated court proceedings, Florida state legalities, and the social stigma associated with being accused of domestic violence can be too much for you to handle on your own. 

This is why you are best advised to hire an experienced and trusted domestic violence defense lawyer in Tampa to gather the evidence and support you need, take care of hefty documentation processes, and assist you throughout the trial to help you reduce or dismiss charges. 

Get in touch with The Rickman Law Firm today for a case consultation.


Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.

Florida’s “Romeo and Juliet” Law and What You Need to Know

When it comes to regulations around “consent” in sexual relationships, Florida sex crime laws are both strict and liberating at the same time. While being charged with violating consent laws can place someone directly on the “sex offenders” list with lasting repercussions, the Romeo and Juliet law allows two parties, close enough in age, to consensually participate in a sexual relationship without either being charged with a crime.

Before we delve deeper into the specifics of the Romeo and Juliet Law, a Tampa criminal attorney at The Rickman Law Firm breaks down some other important legislative basics.

Florida’s Age of Consent Laws

The legal age of consent in Florida is 18, which means that it is unlawful to have sexual contact with a minor, as this can lead to statutory rape charges. Whether or not the minor gave their verbal approval or initiated the act is of no significance, because the State considers a minor too young to formally provide consent in any case. 

This means that adults, when charged with statutory rape against minors, cannot use the following defenses in court:

  • That the offender was unaware of the minor’s age
  • That the minor intentionally appeared to be older to mislead the offender
  • That the minor consented to or initiated sexual contact
  • That the minor has participated in sexual activity earlier 

There is a special circumstance, however, which exempts registry as a sex offender in case the age gap is very small. Situations like these are where the “close in age” exemption, or the Romeo and Juliet Law of Florida comes into force.

What is Florida’s Romeo and Juliet Law?

Developed during the 2007 Legislative Session, the Romeo and Juliet Law of Florida was passed in response to growing social anxiety around the classification of consenting teenagers engaged in sexual activity as “sexual offenders” or “sexual predators”. 

The law rids teenagers from lifelong repercussions of the severe stigma and sanctions associated with the designation of an ‘offender’, including limitations on living in certain places, participating in specific school activities, or landing jobs in certain companies. 

The law can be seen as a “close in age” exemption when the case involves minors. Someone who is younger than 24 years old but older than 18 may be protected by the Romeo and Juliet Law in Florida. For the law to be applicable, the following conditions must be met:

  • The perceived victim must be between 14 and 17 years old
  • The offender must not be more than 4 years (1,460 days) older than the victim. Even a single day older in age will render the law inapplicable
  • The perceived victim consented to the sexual activity
  • The offender has not been charged with previous sex crimes

Important Points to Note

A key factor to keep in mind is that the Romeo and Juliet Law of Florida does not legalize sexual activity involving minors. All it does is offer some legal protection strictly to those meeting the above criteria.

Secondly, the protective coverage offered by the law is limited. When invoked in court, the Romeo and Juliet law may prevent someone from having to register themselves as a sex offender and prevent the prosecutor from pressing charges. But as far as sentences and penalties are concerned, all that the law can offer is a reduction, and not complete liberation. Finally, after the offender has served the reduced sentence, their record may be expunged under the law. 

Thirdly, the court has complete discretion over whether to grant or deny a petition under the Florida law. The judge might consider all factors at play and deny the request, following which the defendant will have to wait for at least another 25 years before submitting a petition again. This is why it is important to have a competent Tampa criminal defense attorney by your side when filing under the Romeo and Juliet Law in Florida.

Does the Law Apply to Cases Before 2007?

While the Romeo and Juliet law was formally enacted in 2007, it is equally applicable to incidents that occurred before 2007. Anyone who meets the qualification criteria is eligible to file a petition under the law, irrespective of the year of the case.

Have More Questions about the Romeo and Juliet Law? Contact Us

Considering that eligibility is not the only criteria for winning a case under the Romeo and Juliet Law, it is best advised to take the support and guidance of a successful Tampa criminal attorney at The Rickman Law Firm. We carefully analyze the critical aspects of your case and advise you on best options.

If you have questions about the Romeo and Juliet Law, contact a Tampa criminal defense attorney at The Rickman Law Firm today to schedule a consultation.


Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.

Florida Cracking Down on Opioid Crimes with HB 95

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently signed into law HB95, which intensifies the regulations and penalties against the crime of sale and distribution of opioids in the State. It seems the authorities are bent on cracking down on opioid crimes more rigorously, due to the long-sustained challenges that opioids have caused across the State, especially for the youth. 

While the move is certainly praiseworthy, some individuals might find themselves wrongfully entangled in a drug-related case. With laws in Florida becoming more and more stringent to curb the demand and supply of illicit drugs, the situation for anyone stuck in the crossfires can get very complicated. Only a strong legal counsel in the form of a competent drug defense lawyer in Tampa like The Rickman Firm can help tackle the situation with ease.

What is the New Drug Law in Florida All About?

The Statewide Task Force on Opioid Abuse made recommendations that are put into practice by HB 95, or the new Florida drug law. The special task force was established by Governor DeSantis in 2019 to develop a state strategy and identify best practices to combat the opioid epidemic through education, treatment, prevention, recovery, and law enforcement. This is exactly what it does. 

For drug dealers caught selling fentanyl or methamphetamine, the new law raises penalties significantly, comparing their activity next to murder. If methamphetamine causes an overdose death, the new law enables prosecutors to leverage the option of charging the drug seller with first-degree murder. Under the HB95 Florida law, dealers may be sentenced to life in jail or possibly death for committing such an offense, which is deemed to be a capital offense like any other.

The mandatory minimum sentence for trafficking fentanyl has been increased under the new law from three years to seven years for amounts between four and fourteen grams, and from fifteen to twenty years for amounts between fourteen and twenty-eight grams. The law also stiffens fines for selling controlled substances within a mile of a facility housing patients for substance abuse treatment.

Why is Florida Cracking Down on Opioid Crimes?

Fentanyl is regrettably becoming more and more common in Florida. Several months ago, many fentanyl incidents during spring break resulted in serious overdoses. Instances like this are endangering the lives of not just those who are getting addicted to such drugs, but also their loved ones, and the community as a whole.

Latest statistics from the Florida Medical Examiner’s Commission reveal that fentanyl consumption contributed to around 5,300 fatalities in the state. Governor DeSantis added that Florida saw a 5 percent spike in opioid-related fatalities in just the first half of 2021. In particular, fentanyl-related mortality increased by 10 percent. 

This calls for immediate action to curb the spread of what can be easily termed as an epidemic through stringent laws and harsh punishments. 

This is where the new law HB95 on opioids comes into play. The need of the hour is to teach young people not just why they should avoid drugs but also how to say no to them. With Florida’s senior officials extremely determined to tackle the issue from all angles, the new law is putting in place strict measures to curb drug usage spread.

What to Do If You are Entrapped in a Florida Drug Case

With the new and reformed legislation, any kind of drug charges are going to be viewed very seriously in the State. This means that getting accused of obtaining, selling, or distributing drugs with the intent of trafficking could impose lengthy sentences and hefty fines, not to mention the social stigma associated with drugs. With the signing of the HB95, it seems Florida authorities will only crack down more and more on the issue.

If you or someone you know has been accused of a drug case in Florida, make sure that your first step is to reach out to a Tampa criminal defense lawyer. What you need, first and foremost, is quality and subjective legal counsel independent of any biases. Only a top drug defense lawyer in Tampa can detect the finer details of your case, analyze it in your favor, and build a suitable case to defend your claim in court.

Contact a Tampa Criminal Defense Lawyer

If you are looking for a professional drug defense lawyer in Tampa, look no further than The Rickman Law Firm! Attorney Anthony Rickman is well-versed with the legal and judicial systems in the State as well as the right tactics to help build a strong case for your freedom. 

Contact The Rickman Law Firm today to discuss your case.


Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.

Everything You Need to Know to Protect Yourself from Florida Sex Crime Stings

Sex crimes are one of the most vigorously punished in Florida and carry some of the most stringent and long-lasting penalties compared to other crimes in the state. With the police resorting to techniques like sting operations to uncover sex crimes, instances of innocent individuals getting entangled in aggressive police action are also on the rise.

This has urged many to start questioning sex crime sting operations in Florida, and these doubts are best answered by a skilled Tampa defense attorney. Here is everything you need to know about Florida sex crime stings compiled by experts at The Rickman Law Firm.

What Is a Sex Crime?

The state of Florida encompasses the following acts as a sex crime – any aggravated act of sexual misconduct, sexual battery, incest, lewd and lascivious offenses, prostitution, and child pornography. Considered one of the most serious and harshly punishable crimes in the state, being charged with a sex crime demands registration as a sex offender, among other penalties. 

If you are charged with the offense of a sex crime under a Florida statute, you will need immediate expert help from a Tampa defense attorney to fight your case – one who is both knowledgeable and highly experienced. Sex crime cases are complicated and demand a tenacious lawyer who can investigate all available legal avenues to clear your name.

Are Sex Crime Stings in Florida Even Legal?

Any sex crime can be criminally investigated either at the request of the alleged victim before authorities or during a sting operation carried out by law enforcement officers. This means sex crime stings are absolutely legal in Florida. As part of the sting operation, officers may tap phone lines, confiscate and investigate other electronic devices, and even pose as undercover agents. 

There are several pointers that any accused sex offender must remember. For one, while law enforcement authorities in Florida are allowed to conduct sex crime sting operations, they are barred from promoting illegal activities to entice people into committing offenses that they may have otherwise not engaged in. And, the complexity of Florida sex crime laws is such that their nuances can be understood only by an experienced Tampa defense attorney.

Fighting Back the Charges of a Sex Crime Sting Operation in Florida

The worst that can happen in case you are facing charges in a sex crime sting operation is showing up unprepared to court. Most of the accused are completely or partly ignorant of their rights, legal nuances, and precise court procedures. This has a key bearing on the case, often leading them to lose it for lack of knowledge and tact.  

Considering how sensitive such cases can be, and how they are commonly associated with social stigma, biased media opinion, and challenges at the workplace, it is best advised to get in touch with a leading Tampa defense lawyer to fight back sex crime charges. 

Whether you feel like you have wrongfully fallen prey to misleading tactics or entrapment in a sex crime sting operation, or that there is strong reason to absolve you from the accusations, an experienced Tampa defense lawyer can help you fight back the charges effectively.

Get Help from the Best Tampa Defense Lawyer: The Rickman Law Firm

At The Rickman Law Firm, we are proud to have the best criminal defense attorney in Tampa and beyond. 

Our veteran Tampa defense lawyer guarantees smooth navigation through the subtleties of Florida’s already complex sex offense legislation. While remaining discrete in our methods and considerate of your position, we can assure defense methods that safeguard you from unauthorized search, questioning, and entrapment through careful examination and cross-checks. 

Contact The Rickman Law Firm today for fair legal representation.


Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.

5 Reasons You Need a Lawyer When Facing False Charges of a Sex Crime

The State of Florida treats sex crimes with the most stringent regulations, and offenders can expect long-term penalties including, but not limited to, registration as a sex offender, monetary charges, and even jail time. The complicated laws around sex crimes in Florida make the situation even tougher for someone who is falsely accused, but lacks understanding of their rights, legal nuances, and proper court procedures to defend himself in court. 

In such situations, legal counsel from a knowledgeable and experienced Tampa criminal defense lawyer, well-versed in Florida sex crime laws, comes in very handy. The Rickman Law Firm, for instance, is known for its extensive knowledge and expertise in handling a wide variety of criminal defense cases, including sex crimes. 

If you or someone you know finds themselves entangled in false charges of a sex crime under Florida laws, you need the assistance of a capable criminal defense lawyer in Tampa to back you both within and beyond the courtroom. Here are five few reasons why.

1. They Understand the Judicial System in Depth

While the vast majority find the legal system to be complicated and challenging to understand, a competent criminal defense lawyer has extensive experience and understanding of the judicial system. They know about its intricate procedures and operations and can guide you through the legal process in accordance with your case. The Rickman Law Firm can support your criminal defense strategy with extensive knowledge.

2. They Are Well-Versed With Court Procedures

One of the most intriguing yet pressing aspects of fighting against criminal charges in court is the amount of documentation that comes along with it. That, along with the pressure of meeting strict deadlines, taking care of approvals and clearances, meddling with legal procedures, and chasing various officials can be both frustrating and confusing to handle alone.

With a knowledgeable criminal attorney by your side, you can rest assured you will not have to spend any time on these matters. A competent Tampa criminal lawyer like Anthony Rickman provides you the solid support you need for all court proceedings and formalities. What’s more – if the prosecution is aware that you have a reputed expert representing you, that makes for a better chance at getting a plea deal.

3. They Offer Your Case Personalized Attention

When charged with an offense as serious as a sex crime, you might feel like everyone you know is against you. You might also not feel comfortable revealing the details of your case with those who are closest to you, leaving you with no one to support and defend your case.

Hiring a sincere and competent Tampa criminal lawyer ensures that you can easily express all your concerns, problems, and case specifics with a trusted professional, who will be there for you every step of the way. Criminal defense lawyers also bring a strong sense of responsibility, accountability, and collaboration to the table, whether it is in terms of explaining the legal system or discussing the most effective tactics to evade lengthy jail terms and harsh penalties.

4. They Can Dig Up Supporting Evidence That You May Have Missed

Hiring a top criminal defense lawyer in Tampa assures you of the expert eye with an attention for detail that you are in desperate need of. A competent lawyer will review your case carefully to look for any evidence that your fleeting eye might have missed, or one that might have been obtained unlawfully to build a case against you. You might even be able to successfully have the false charges against you dropped with the integral analysis of your experienced criminal defense lawyer in Tampa by your side.

5. They Are Experts in Sex Crime Defense Cases

With vast experience in handling sex crime cases, including high-profile clients, attorneys like Anthony Rickman can be easily trusted when it comes to experience and competence. Hiring legal counsel in sex crime cases can ensure that you have a professional by your side to deal with witnesses embellishing facts to prove the false allegations. You will also gain from their knowledgeable defense team, which has a large network of connections to medical experts, private investigators, and expert witnesses.

Looking for The Best Tampa Criminal Lawyer? Your Search Ends Here

Trying to get out of a false entrapment? Confused about how to prove your innocence? Tired of having to handle court procedures, law intricacies, and multiple questionings all by yourself? Hire a Tampa criminal defense lawyer who is renowned for their skills and abilities both inside and outside of the courtroom. 

Get in touch with The Rickman Law Firm right away, and let’s discuss the specifics of your case!


Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.

Case Results

Investigation for Sexual Battery of Minor Under 12 Closed Prior to Any Arrest of Charges Made By the State

The Client was accused of Sexual Battery of a Minor, with the alleged victim under the age of 12. As a result of the allegation, a criminal investigation was opened against the Client. Attorney Anthony
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Grand Theft Dropped

The Defendant was charged with grand theft for stealing a wallet from a person at the casino. The State agreed to drop the grand theft after the Defense showed them numerous problems within the case.
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Not Convicted Of Felony Possession Charge

The Client was charged with felony Possession of a Controlled Substance. No Conviction for the offense.
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